“Robert K. Benson is quite spiffy as “English” Eddie Griggs, a crook who can ape his betters.” –Victor Gluck, Theatrescene.net
“Robert Benson’s Mycroft is a pathetic, broken man, showing the extreme depths addiction can take you.” –Natalie Sacks, Charged F.M.
“Also notable was Benson in his numerous roles – each as entertaining as the last. Stealthily shifting between accents and clothes, Benson was always a welcome presence on stage, and he is an incredibly entertaining actor.” –Theresa Perkins, My Entertainment World
“…Vulcan, played with somber dignity by Rob Benson…” —Backstage Critic’s Pick
“…Rob Benson is enigmatic and bitter as the jilted Vulcan.” –NY Theatre Review
“…Vulcan, played by the eloquent British actor Rob Benson.” –Queens Tribune
“The cast of 20 is solid virtually throughout, and contains a few gems. Happily Rob Benson’s Richard is one of them. Sickly, misthanthropic, quick-witted, louche, camp, fastidious – he’s forced by his withered arm and unprepossessing demeanour to live at the courts margins, and clearly he revels in his outsider role.” –Venue Magazine, Bristol UK
“Rob Benson is a phenomenal actor … electric physicality and faultless characterisation … Benson’s performance is both moving and convincing.” –Three Weeks, Edinburgh UK
“In character so convincing that one audience member checking her programme after the show was moved to complain that it wasn’t autobiographical, Benson prowls the empty stage, evoking nightclubs, council flats and the sour smoking rooms of hospitals with just a snap of his mood and a perfectly timed lighting cue. He talks non-stop throughout, and it’s beautiful, as he lapses in and out of fast-paced rhyming verse reminiscent of Mike Skinner at his best.” –The List, Edinburgh UK
“Rob Benson (Warren) offers as raw a portrayal of the sufferance of OCD as you’ll ever see. His tension is contagious. When insight comes from left field or bravery is provoked by baiting, Benson’s reactions seem unvarnished. We accept that he accepts who he is. A marvelous physical actor, his methods of coping with the room are artfully calibrated. The conflicted feelings he has about Chris become eloquent with inflection and attention.” –Woman Around Town
“Benson is good as Warren, the less showy of the roles, but one that comes alive in little moments.” –The Epoch Times